Why Kriday



The Kriday Difference

The quality and purity of milk are our biggest distinctions. We take multiple steps to ensure that you get the same high-quality and pure milk at all times. Quality and purity never change with Kriday milk – from the time we milk our cows and buffaloes at our farm to the time of delivery at your doorstep/table. Here is how we ensure the quality and purity of milk.

We Are a Zero-Additives/Preservatives/Chemicals Farm

Kriday milk is as pure and safe as drinking directly from a cow or buffalo’s udder. We have no tolerance for preservatives, chemicals, additives, or hormonal injections. Both our cow and buffalo milk are organic.

We Do Not Source Milk

At Kriday, the cow and buffalo’s milk comes from our dairy farm and not from outside sources where the quality and purity may differ with each source (most dairy cooperatives do this).

Our Cows and Buffaloes Are Well Cared for

We have the cold chain delivery logistics. You can simply place an order online and you will get the delivery at your doorstep. Kriday’s delivery process has a cold chain that keeps the milk pure and in the best original form. We have flexible delivery hours.

We Grow Our Cattle Feed and Our Cows and Buffaloes Are Well-Fed

Proper feed and all-round nutrition impact high-quality milk big time. We grow our cattle feed so that our cows and buffaloes get good quality organic feed. We also feed them well and rotate the type of feed for overall nutrition.

We Maintain Hygiene at All Times

Our farm is well-maintained and special care is given to maintain the hygiene of both the farm animals as well as the surroundings. The cows and buffaloes are cleaned before and after milking by our farm hands. The farm hands also maintain personal cleanliness and hygiene.

Our Farm Animals Are Milked Twice a Day

Both our cows and buffaloes are milked twice a day. This ensures that we can deliver fresh cow and buffalo milk based on your time requirements. It also means that we do not have surplus milk to store away and distribute later, ensuring high-quality, pure milk whenever you demand it.

We Do Not Process Our Milk

We do not process our milk into high-fat or low-fat cow or buffaloes’ milk. As of now, we just have one type of milk – pure milk. The quality of our milk is exceptional.

All Our Milk is Delivered within 3-4 Hours of Milking

We do not stall with delivering milk. Both our cow and buffalo milk is delivered within 3-4 hours of milking (both evening and morning) so the quality of milk that you get is as good and fresh as having milk from a cow or buffalo in your backyard.